Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-02-12 - 8:25 p.m. - a little lonely

life is really boring lately.

nothing exciting ever happens in the winter, ever. It's just me trying to get good grades, stressing about stupid things and hanging out with some friends every once in a while.

nothing exciting has happened. Nothing too bad either. It's just cold out and stuff. I dunno what I want really. Nothing and everything at the same time.

music makes me happy sometimes.

the sun makes me happy.

i feel insecure a lot

that's okay though

i'm nice to people but i think they find it annoying. but if i'm not nice to them they call me a bitchy snob. i don't know what to do. i'm not talking about random people here, i mean, people who are friends with my friends, people who i talk to sometimes, people who seem so quick to judge everything i am, everything i do- but would call it a moral wrong if i did the same to them.

coffee, i drink so much coffee

i think i'm paranoid

my new world history class is very cool

i don't get enough sleep.

my homework is not done.

there are no boys. i wish there were. but maybe i'm not up to it, maybe i need to get my work done and be more of a loner.

i was always a loner when i was much younger- around first grade. it just felt right, to walk around the playground outside the ice rink, alone, thinking, humming or singing to myself-

it just felt right.

it still does sometimes

i like not talking, i like being calm

i don't know who josh eden is. apparently everyone hates him

the word hate sucks. i feel it every day, not always directed at me

i have so much and nothing to talk about at the same time, i wonder if there's anyone out there to talk to? about all this stuff i mean. i think alot lately. ingmar, ingmar, i think he's online.

i wish he'd answer me

maybe i ought to go write

do someting productive

why does the internet cause me to not want to do anything

delta delta

En Why You?

NYU, and why you?

seasonal affective disorder

please get light out


it's february. the darkness will never end.




barcodes barcodes

find them, beep beep



no, say the rich people

no, say the poor people

YES say the good people.

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