Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-03-25 - 7:17 p.m. - homework ridden

Things have been crazzzyy.

Much thought about my future. College. My grades now. Classes I'm taking now, will they benefit me?

Try not to let people bother me like I used to. Been so independant.

It's really great. Being alone most of the time. I've been so antisocial, just listening to googoo dolls or Tool. (tool, is, amazing. Parabola. Download it).

Track is so much fun now. We go, we work out, it's great. Chelsae and Katie, buddies 4 eva. Which reminds me, tomorrow is buddy day...wa-ait. I won't be there. pssssshhhhhh

Sprained my ankle though! Alright, so we were doing time trials, and I ran a 400, then stopped to turn to get off the track. I guess my spikes tripped me up, cos my right foot curved inward and I fell on it, and yelled "FUCK!" really loud.

Nice? Nice?

HA well, I had to limp off the track (it hurt so bad), and some girl had to help me.... and all the guys go running was amaaazzzingly embarassing.

I can only go on the work out bikes now:-(. I don't like em.

Last weekend was sweet. It was Dusty's party, Sarah and I went. (mostly cos Dusty went to mine, so I thought I'd return the favor). Chris was there, so Sarah chilled with him, while I talked to the random 50 year old and watched the PARABOLA music video with Augustin, Matt, and whoever else was in there. It was a fun night. Psh, I should call Sarah, I never really talk to her in school.

Theennn saturrrrday, Lauren S. and I had our movie night. We saw "Taking Lives". It was pretty good, except for the very random sex scene. Spent a lot of money on food again. I think this Saturday we're gonna see "Jersey Girl" :-D. Except we decided we weren't going to splurge on food, or take letters from the new burger place downtown. (I didn't mean to!!!! Haha I have their "A")

Am Freitag, being, tomorrow, not sure if I have to go to tracka. Cosa the ankle. Hillary and I might go to the gym after school, or to her house, not sure where we wanna go, then off to some fun stuff. I hope it ends out good, haha

CAAUUUSSSEEE I'm not working Saturday! Much time to study and whatnot, thats really what I do now, work on school work instead of go online. In fact, I should be doing homework and studying right now.

well anyway

yea i should do that

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