Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-07-14 - 11:26 p.m. - sum-rrrrr

crazy crazy summer.

just as always, i want to record every minute of it to remember it.

but i know i can't.

tonight was a lot of fun.

jessie and joe both drove my car. haha. it was scary and exciting. but they had their liscences on them, and i didn't.

i liked my hair tonight.

we saw ...uhm... the notebook. i cried a lot. it was a REALLY good movie.

i don't feel like getting into "deep thoughts" cos that seems to be the trend nowadays. i'm not one to follow trends, haha i mean, the whole rest of my fucking diary is "deep thoughts" back when no one else fucking had them- go back 2 years. honestly! i hate people. anyway.

the movie was really good! then we saw lisa in the bathroom, and she wanted to know if she could tell the poeple she was staying with that she was sleeping over at my house, and so many people tell their parents that, haha so i was and i guess she's just gonna show up here around 5 now! itll be chill, cept my room is no sight for sore eyes, ya know.

well, after that we went to DQ and ate ice cream and RODE ON THE LITTLE PONY RIDE WOO HOO. haha it was great. then went home.

it was a sweet night; i felt so comfortable around them. I feel bad cos sarah was sposed to come with us, but she had already seen that movie...gah i should call her, i'm so tired though.

but it's not even midnight, why am i tired????? aaah. jessie says it's from the crying, haha we cried a lot.

I do miss hillary! she's away at camp with MY ALK CDS AHH haha no its cool.

beh, i want M to get online. does anyone ever notice how, when you end a conversation with someone and they say "i'll talk to you tomorrow" or "i'm sure I'll talk to you tomorrow"... the more certain they are of it, the less of a chance it seems to have of happening! Bah.

i might go ta sleep soon.

hahaha ok so yesterday

me and my brother were in the computer room, hanging around until my laptop started up, and he says

"I'm thirsty! there's nothing to drink in this house; our chocolate milk expires in an hour"

hahahah the way he said it was so funny cos it was true. it was 11oclock and it expired the next day.

Mr. Wegman himself comes to the store on Friday. I have to be at work at 8:30. Bleh.

i like my hair tonight!

yea ok, much love////

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