Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-08-15 - 1:30 a.m. - day AFTER friday the 13th aahh woo

jessie and i did something amazing yesterday.

we went downtown, to uncle eli's to get art supplies. everything was expensive, and we dubbed ourselves "starving artists" because we wanted to paint so badly, and used our food money for everything- which was, acrylics, a palet, brushes, and paper.

we wanted cardboard to use as an easel..because we had no money left to buy one.

the guy at uncle eli's said, across the street is a dumpster.

so we went across the street...and found a random pile of wooden things!

and we each took a slab, and i took a really cool.. thing. i dont even know. it was like..trash to treasure, and i loved it so much.

we went to panera and got water for the cups to clean off our brushes, and then walked to the parking garage that i had parked my car at. it was hard to carry everything at the same time.

I saw Zack Harbaugh! I haven't seen him in a while. It was cool.

So we go to the top of the garage...and paint... and paint, and paint. We turned our phones off and everything.

It was so peaceful and reviving. It reminded me of my uber-artistic days where I basically lived for things like that.

I miss it.

We rolled our pant legs up and looked ridiculous. I got paint all over myself and loved it. I felt light and happy and uncaring towards pointless things.

It was greater than words can express, really.

Afterwards, we went to Hillary's...then the three of us proceeded to my house and chilled there...haha Hillary being liked by my parents more than me.

we just...hung out in my room for a while, which was great.

Hillary recorded a message on Jessie's phone in a fake deep voice saying "Hello...this is..a boy."

hahahah. kinda like how Alex and Matt recorded messages for us!

Matt! I miss him! He's in Toronto, having so much fun (pff) with his family.

Have you ever looked at someone and're beautiful...

we were in my was like 1 in the morning or some weird hour like that. we were standing and smoking by the open door and just talking and laughing about nothing and everything at the same time, and he was just so beautiful. Like...he's always been attractive, but the way he is, to me, just makes him beautiful.

He plays with my hair:-).

that makes me oddly really happy.

ANYWAY! back to hanging out in my room with J and H.

We read the Dusty's second letter. He gave me a mailing's hard to read, I hope I get it right when I write him back.

haha ok so I was...I don't know, in the bathroom? Jessie I guess had put my mask on, from Haloween, the one that bleeds that i scared the shit out of little kids with. I run over and jessie is sitting on the floor and hillary is all OOHHH IT BLEEDS AHHH LET ME PUMP

and i jump on jessie and hump her

for no reason

it was the most randomly hilarious thing to ever happen.

There was a camera on the floor. Like an unused one. I opened it and snapped some pictures.

Also random as hell.


Also attention was drawn to a hickey on my ass? No? no one has sucked my ass.

haha i said that, and at this point jessie had been quiet for quite some time. She said, meekly, from her corner..."iiiii diiiiid"

haha THAT was hilarious.

ANYWAY! Jess Thorpe came and got us! YAY! in her hottsa Camry.

We went to Barnes and Noble to visit Alex- who looked rather happy indeed to see Hillary.

Then guys were following us cos me and Jessie made out for them hahaha

We dropped Jessie off at home and she had to RUN out of the car so they didn't like...rape her. hahaha

then we drove out to Josh's! Which is SO far out- and the guys followed us the WHOLEE WAYYY ...oh wow it's so funny.

George came out with a knife. hahahah george.

the night was fun.

ha fuck, i hate this computer, it deleted the entry and i only had some of it copied.

I'm tired.

I have to work tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that..making lots of money...

worked today then babysat. made a quick 21 bucks. that was also awesome.

Sposda go to a movie with Bruno tomorrow night:-). I can't wait honestly, I miss him a lot.

Soooo Hillary leaves Monday morning for her epic journey- gets back Wednesday? Late Wednesday, I think. Matt gets back Tuesday.

Hillary's gonna have a thinger at her house on Thursday... I messed with my work schedule to go. I love how I can do that now- I've been working there for almost a year and a half, longer than most who have the same job as me, and I can just...pick my hours, within reason. I <3 my job.

and always will. :-). Nomatter. What. hahaha

babysitting tonight was fun, the kids were so great and agreeable and then i got to talk to Jess and Hillary once they went to sleep. Unfortunately, both were upset about things and I want them both to be happy.. I wish everything would be alright.

Hey i found out that I have precalc with Allison- and not only do I have lunch with Hillary, Lauren m and Lauren s, but Aleisha and Lisa as well. I think Caitlin too. I'm excited for next year.

Stupid health thing I have to do. Graahhh.

ha ok time for sleep so i can wake up and go to work again tomorrow


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