Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-09-12 - 11:20 p.m. - :-D

hey update- hillarys awesome and cool and i suck for my last entry

and jessie is still awesome, along with jess thorpe.

and matt..... oh wow, matt

Days Inn, splashing each other at the pool then nabbing some of their free coffee then trying to dry off at college pizza cos its hot there...but we ended up shooting spitballs at each other and chewing on straws.

then we went back to my house but we didn't go IN, we just ...were in his car for a long time.

hillary is ungrounded YAY! this friday is football game, and sure as hell it better be a lizhillaryjessie thing at one of our houses, getting ready and being crazy then goin down there.... hopefully to see some other sweet people like jesthpa and the laurens, and my awesome boyfriend:-)

sdogsqpant:I like your profile :-[

THpandex4U87: the quote?

sdogsqpant: yeah the twain

THpandex4U87: i LOVE that quote

THpandex4U87: i saw it in english class, and i thought..

THpandex4U87: that is everything

THpandex4U87: that i want to strive for

THpandex4U87: i want to be someone like that, someone who can just be themselves and be happy

THpandex4U87: and i'm getting there and its wonderful

THpandex4U87: haha thats my story

sdogsqpant: lol I like the story so far, hows it end?

sdogsqpant: Any good story has a twist, what is yours?

THpandex4U87: i dont think there is one? i think... its coming out of that little insecure shell i was always in, being who i really am and loving it, loving the world and loving life in general, and being happy and smiling at people i don't know and being nice to people-without being afraid that they'll hate me- because thats whatit always came down to- but i don't worry about that anymore

THpandex4U87: ha ummmmm there you go...twist. a nutshell!

i have precalc...oooo i should do that

well im gonnna show matt how to get aim..byebye

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