Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-12-29 - 10:33 a.m. - Crowbar Concert

I wake up at 10 and eBay beckons me
Abercrombie new size2L jeans for 20.00?? :has coniption:
:is gonna be broke before urban outfitters!:
Well, nah, I have money coming... I've been working like a dog, and Christmas money.
Last night- was killer.
Hatchet and Dusty came to get me, and mom was all excited to see him. They didn't even care that I was going to the Crowbar.
Then we got Jessie, who was dying and it was sad. Atleast she didn't cough a lot. (I <3 J Chen. Who is an adult. And jokes were made all night between the 4 of us, about how I am not. haha)
We chilled at Hatchet's for a while- Price and Goins were there...Goins was playing video games, and I assume that he did that all night cos he didn't go with the four of us, or with Price- who played some African bongo looking drum for Lemonsoul later in the night.
AnyHOW we get downtown and NO FOOD PLACES ARE OPEN. Not even McDonalds.
So we just go to the Crowbar.
It was PACKED with so many people, it was so crazy, but it was AWESOME. All the bands were awesome. Percival Madison had this sweet song about ...whats that word for fucking dead people?
it was pretty kickass.
Jessie and I had been standing on the floor, behind LOTS of people- and then we spotted Jen and Becky on the side steps, with perfect views, so we met up with them. Which was much better.
Savannah, the freshmen, basically played covers. They were good songs though, and were done well, so it was a good time.
Sarah and Lauren were drunk as shit, it was funny.
AND I HAAADD MY SWEET digital camera and got a lot of pictures and it was awesome.
I'm so pissed though- since I was so close to Lemonsoul, I took some videos on my camera with the idea that I could show Matt how awesome they were when he got back- especially Price's drum solo.
The images were perfect but THERE WAS NO SOUND and so, we can watch them, but there is no sound which sucks hardcore.
Maybe if we hook it up to the TV, there will be sound...
All in all, it was an awesome concert. Then bands were amazing and everyone there was so into it.
Becky crowdsurfed and got dropped. haha. Then we went to mosh with Nate
and someone elbowed me in the stomach so I was like eehhhhhIdon'tknow about this...
It ended at about midnight- Dusty, Hatchet and I left and walked ALL THE WAY DOWN TO FRASIER street where Dusty had parked, it was so cold.
Dropped Jessie off. went to Sheetz and got MACARONI AND CHEESE! and then home.
as soon as I got home, I was situating myself ..with my food and whatnot, and I was about to call Matt when he called me:-)
So, now he doesn't get back Thursday- but Friday. Sigh. I miss him so incredibly much, especially with all the drama that's been going on lately. Stupid bitches talking about things they know NOTHING about "Matt cheated on Liz with like 8 girls!" "oh, I gave Matt head!"
There should be a club for all the people who claim that they know shit/that Matt did shit with them. They can all ball up into a mass of people, then fall off the face of the earth for all I care.
I fell asleep talking to him. I love doing that. I wish I could fall asleep NEXT to him- but that never happens anymore. We're shooting for New Years eve, haha. Being tricky and seeing if he'll get to stay over...
Sigh, Dusty wants me to go running today and takes it as a personal insult if I don't want to go running because I am TIRED. "Fine, Liz, don't go running with ME. You PROMISED"
Last night at Sheetz I told him that him and Hatchet should definitely stop by on New Year's Eve because I had a gift to give him. I must have invited him atleast three times by then- once at school and twice that night.
and he said, "well. I will if I'm invited"
What do you do with people like that? I don't dislike Dusty, at all, obviously I hung out with him last night. OBviously, I got him a Christmas gift! He always is saying things like, Liz Hartman, I'm pissed at you cos you never call me back. (He said this while we were at the concert, when I HAD called him at 5:30 like I said I would)
sooo I don't know. I'm so tired and want to sleep- I don't want to go running, I don't want to leave the house until I go to work at 4. It's cold outside, I'll freeze my ass off then die. I hope so much that Hatchet says the same thing and Dusty will realize that not everyone is an Army Person and can go running for 6 miles in cold weather.
I want soda and sleep...

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