Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-02-20 - 8:18 p.m. - Dance Pics Soon

Last night, short story, wasn't here. Wanted to be, but, whatcha gonna do?

I came home in an unusually good mood. Nothing bad happened today. Strange and unusual. Ivan, also is not talking to me. Coincidence? I think not. Oh, yes, "He loves Abbie". Well, no one is my Abbie, and lemme tell you, I'm happier with no one, all alone, then I was with him. He's IMing me on his mom's screen name, I'm having fun closing the window every time one comes and saying to no one in particular, "go away,"

Got the pictures from my amazing weekend back, and once I get around to it, I'll post them here. okay, so yesterday, I don't really remember much about yesterday, except Ivan called me a fucking bitch, and I insulted him back and so he's not talking to me. Today was cool. I talked to people who don't enjoy making my life hell.

Drama was fun! Abbie and I have plans for spring break, involving Players (the club) and lesbians... so many people are going to Players over Spring Break, it's going to be amazing. I plan on either doing the Abbie plan (heh)... or finding some guy, college guy that I don't know, but he has to be hot and he has to know how to kiss right. Yeah... I'm sex starved... as much of sex as I got in the first place, anyway (laughs at self) But, I really am long overdue for just some DANCING all night, kick-ass playah's....

Em got braces today! Oh, I feel bad for her, but soon enough when she gets them off she's going to be even more GORGEOUS then she was before!

there's a lot more to add, but I want to get the pics on my computer, so more later


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