Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-12-29 - 9:02 p.m. - Family Insanity

"No matter what the stripper tells you, there is no sex in the champaign room.....there is champaign in the champaign room.....but you dont want want sex .......and there is no sex in the champaign room..."

Finally got to go painting today. It's incredibly tiring! but.... Bit by bit, I'm getting muscle definition in my arms, which is cool. I'm not saying I wanna be a body builder or anything, (ew, women who do that are so gross), but it would be nice to have a bit of definition instead of a spoonful of wobbly fat.

After painting somewhat, we (family and I) came back to the house. My mother has been in a bitchy mood all day, and whatever anyone said seemed to set her off, and she claims she already had her period this month. Uhhuh.

We all took showers, (ah! to be clean!). And went off to the Olive Garden.

2 hour wait.

Alrighty, I know it's still quite a new place in State College, but, the food isn't THAT great, I swear!!!! I've been to many an Olive Garden in my life.

We ended up going to this quaint little Itallian place, I forget what it was called, but the Pizza was pretty good until you got to the crust, OREGANO ATTACK. Seriously.

Then, we went to T.J. Maxx. Mom says "Hey, remember that belt you saw a few weeks ago?" and suggests that I get it, I guess she's more into the "belt" fashion now.

Of course, it figures they're all out of my size.

We must have been to T.J. Maxx like, 10 times and they had my size in that belt, but she ALWAYS thought of a reason that I couldn't get it. One reason was even "We're going OUT to eat tonight, aren't we?"... and, that also figures that we had left-over spagghetti that night.

Okay, she feels a little bad so she says "Hey, go look for a purse to go with you jacket..?" And so I did. A really nice itallian leather purse was 20.00.

"20 bucks?? I'm not spending that much on a purse for you"

So, no purse. That's okay. I'll still use my old battered gray backpack from Poland that I got in third grade to carry my stuff around. No prob.

And so Teddy tries on jackets, and I walk around the store aimlessly. There's this one shirt that's like, so, so cute. And it's on sale!!! Whoo!! I try it on and it fits like it was made for me... okay, maybe not, it was a little low, and a lotte see-through, but that can be fixed with a white tank-top underneath, right? It was 3/4 sleeve, the ends of the sleeves had this realy cool rennaissance-ish fabric hanging from them, it's all kinda rose pink, and the top is a peasant collar tie thing, which is why it was low, but, as I said, nothing a white tank top would not fix.

"That looks like a pajama top!!! No! We don't have the money for anything for you right now!" -(Wait, she did suggest I get a belt moments earlier, didn't she?)-

"Just get away from me!! GET-AWAY!"

And so I walk off in a huff, out the door, to Mike's. I'm in there for a while, doing basically nothing but pretending to look at vidoes, then I walk back to T.J. and there's dad. I complain to him about stuff, although he's too busy looking at bargain slippers ("Heyy... lookee here ... only 7 bucks. The ones your mother got me were 7.50... she never looks for cheaper prices...")

And, I'm here totally - ugh'ed out, I guess I'll call it, and i may as well have been talking to a wall (..."Will you look at that, a tweed tie for 5.75..."), I was still rather annoyed at everyone. Especially Teddy, who comes up to me and says "We're not here to buy you a stupid PAJAMA shirt, we're here to buy me a jacket!!!"And He puffs up his chest, sticks his nose in the air and waddles off.

I love my family so much.

We went to Target after that, Teddy finally found himself a jacket that he liked. It obviously irked mom, I don't know how incredibly expensive Target jackets get, especially the kind with Steelers logos on that make swooshy sounds when one walks, but it was obviously too much for mom. She snapped at me because I said "My lips are dry".

"You know WHAT, Elizabeth?? We have PLENTY of chapstick at home!!" And I said

"I wasn't asking for anything!!"

But, she stormed off anyway, leaving me on my own to look at magazines.

I swear, we all belong in the looney bin. Or maybe just my mom and brother. Dad can go work at the dollar store and praise all of their ties and slippers and other masculine articles of clothing that many proud dollar stores nationwide have for sale.


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