Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2005-04-25 - 4:00 p.m. - library day

I'm at the LIBRARY!!! with keith, haha, by coincidence.
this weekend is JUNIOR PROM. I'm going with matta-yewwwwww and wearing a cooool vintage dress. it's awesome, i think it's the coolest thing ever, and i'm so psyched to wear it.
matt and i have some fun plans afterward, and i don't mean SEX. i mean something fun. only my INNER CIRCLE will know about it. being hillary. which is more like a line but...eehh.
hillary and i had a good weekend!!! AHH we had so much fun every day and it was great. YAY! I'll miss her this weekend, especially friday cos I'll have no friends.
Matt will be in Altoona getting his PINSTRIPE SUIT. oyvey. mahah. it will look weird with my junior prom dress, don't know what i'mm getting for senior yet--- first weekend of may that shall be.
THIS WEEKEND was movin on and it was kickass- i spent a lot of time with hillary, and i really did not mind that it was just her and i- and then jes r who is mad awesome. and we saw jen for a tad as well, who is vurry cool. then matt saw rusted root with me. it was incredible. there were soo many people...but being close to matt, and he actually danced with me a little bit- it was like- me, matt and the music, and nothing else. i was so happy.
THIS WEDNESDAY IS VENDETTA RED!! yay!!! i'm sooo psyched, hillary and i love them a lot and we will have a great time, i just know it. even if we make fun of everyone there.
now, we never mean it in a rude way really. we're just playin when we yell "MERRRRHHHH AHAGAHAGHAG" at you from a car window and drive away. we really like some people, I SWEAR.
I got confirmed a while ago. I'm happy for it, I like being a catholic and I intend to be a catholic and to be a good person-or try really hard at it- for the rest of my life.
OHH yea and thursday was poem night. another grand hillary and liz escapade which involved nearly being booed off stage. OH WELL.
my new thing is sliding my hand down a window at people who don't know me and looking sad. goodness, i think i'm funny. maybe because i amuse MYSELF.
i've been rather proactive lately. working hard in school and everything else. keeping my room clean!!
agg I think my parking meter has run out. plus I have other errands to run. to the bank. then the mall. and then home.let's hope the bank is still open.

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