Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-09-01 - 8:30 p.m. - Stupid penn state people.

I love this song, heh, that "cuz I got high" song .. but anyway,

Had a really busy day today. Woke up at 11 (I'm getting back into it, I am!) .. Mom screamed out orders as to what I was supposed to clean, she was going off to the laundromat with the clothes the stupid cat peed on, and I was left to clean out her closet. Was Not Fun.

watched a Pokemon movie with Teddy due to lack of things to do until parents got home. I sat through maybe half of it then went to get ready to go downtown.

Teddy whined while mom and i pulled him through various stores, (metro is amazing!)

He dropped his water and spilled some on us, just because he was mad. Grr.

the town was CROWDED, I mean, argh! everyone in the world seems to be in Penn state right now, the hicks have taken over everything. They're camped out outside of the stadium and they're causing traffic jams because they don't know where they are. They're all lost and wondering around town, and there must have been atleast five people sitting out on the street "Tickets!!! Need Tiiiiiiickettts!!!" - which made our trip downtown twice as long.

there were these amazing pants in Metro but they were Mavi and kind of really expensive. Maybe later. Cute thong at Connections with snaps on the sides, ;-).

Went to Ben and Jerry's after that and got ice cream. Fun fun.

Came home and was forced to clean more. Now my room is all nice and, clean, yea.

I was up until six in the morning talking to Fern. thas 11 hours straight I was talking to him, and if I wasn't so tired I would have gladly stayed on another 11 hours. Alow me to declare my love for all things Fern. He's amazing.

Open House Party on the radio tonight, (:-D) I love it to death.

Maria e-mailed me, she'll be online at ten tonight. I hope Ivan does as well.

No one interesting is on AIM. kinda jealous of Maria, she's probably out with Emily or someone, I miss it when I used to go to the movies or the mall or wherever else with them. Oh well. :-P.

What A Boring Entry. Still Await Diary Reviewing.


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