Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-06-01 - 10:33 a.m. - Rant

*Note: When I wrote this I had just woken up and was mad at the world, not anyone in general... don't get mad offended and sign my guestbook, e-mail me, tell your friends, turn people against me and then hate me for two weeks. Not worth it! Most chances are I don't even remember, much less care about whatever you did to set me off, it probably wasn't even your fault. How about not reading this entry anyway? Save some emotion and time. Fair warning!!

Okay, -A rant entry. In a depressed, insane mood, if you don't want to be pissed too, don't read this. FAIR WARNING.-

This is it.

I am so tired of everything.

I am so tired of feeling weird, I am so tired of being unsure as to what is going on, I want to know what the hell everyone gets so angry about.

First off: I hate how people list their "best friends" in their journals/diaries, also knowing that they are leaving people out. I'm never listed, and DAMNED IF I KNOW WHAT THE HELL I DID.

You know what? I have many a problem with Sasha. She thinks she is *sOoOoOoOoO* much better than me. I'm not done with this yet, but I can't wait until Andrea and Jes, (hell, even Ivan), Diss me in my guestbook or something then say in their diaries *LiKe, uR aN aMaZiN pErRsOn SqUAhhhhsss! lYlAs, BFF 4EvAhHHH (HeE i HaVe nO LiFe So I wAsTe mY tImE mAkInG eVeRy OtHeR lEtTeR cApItIlAzeD! I dUnO eVeN hOwTa sPeLl cApItElIzeDd! hEhEhE!!!*

Fucking rabid hyneas.

But anyway, back to Sasha. She pretends to be my friend for so long, I think only because she wanted me to spill on everything I knew about Tim, then she like stops talking to me, and I hear how she talks shit about me behind my back. She talks shit about EVERYONE, ten times worse than I used to. And you know, I'm not saying this to anyone, and it's NOT behind her back. If she wants to know this, she can read it.

She thinks she's so hot and so gorgeous but she isn't, she thinks she's amazing, but really she's the annoying one, I mean, she comes back from Geometry with like Eddy or someone and down the hall I hear her


-'Gah! Does she have some sort of CONDITION that we should be aware of??

You know who I wish lived here? Maria. She'd meet all these people and we could make fun of them together. She's amazing!

And also, Sasha hates becky? Why? Becky is one of the nicest people I swear I will ever meet.

What, Sasha, boob-envy? You've got nothing and Becky's got a hell of something (the guys all make sure they notice), and so you're jealous. Why hate her? I'm jelous, heck, Becky's gorgeous, but she's my friend and she's really nice, and I could never hate her.

What is up with Sasha and not feeling the need to keep friends? She always puts boys before friends. You know, I'd much rather be with my real friends than my boyfriend, but unfortunately, they are all in Pittsburgh and I CAN'T be with them. Mark my words, if they lived here, I'd spend every fucking waking moment with them...

Oh, another thing. In Sasha's info, her and Jes are talking about being sluts. Sasha, you couldn't be a slut if you tried. You could dress like a slut, show off your inverts, but all you'd accomplish is making poor, innocent men sick to their stomachs.

(I can see it now, Sasha reading this entry: "Uh! Like, O-M-G! She did NOT just say that! I better diss her in My diary now! And like tell Andrea and Jes so I can have backup, because I'm like a cardboard stand up poster on my own, knock me OVAAAH! Like, ChAw! *~*~*~*~-!!!")

TIM. I have to rant about Tim.

I don't know anymore. He's so passionless. He's so weird. He's so wrong for me but for some reason I might still like him, but I don't want to, we should break up, we are so wrong. This isn't how things should be, but this is how they are and they should no longer exist. It, this, relationship (sad excuse for a relationship), should end.

Sp quiet, I am so alone,not as if I chose this. I am tired of people, but then again I love being around people. Fun people, the ones that don't judge EVERY FUCKING THING I DO. I can't wait until highschool.

Eating chocolate, so much more than I should be...

Feel kinda sick, this morning my stomach hurt a whole lot.

And Emily, Emily is amazing too... she is so fun and I always know she'll be there for me. I could go on and on about her, but I'm not going to be like "heehee, BFF LYL", because it seems like every other time those girls say that to each other, the time in between they are in a fight.

Who the hell says BFF anyway? It's like one of those fucking charms you put on a becklace and buy it for 3 dollars at Claire's or Afterthoughts or something. Cheap ass jewelry with a cheap ass meaning.

Cheap ass people buy that stuff.

Why the hell don't I trust anyone?

Well, everyone here obviously thrives on gossip and their friends.

WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? I'l sink to your level and leave all of you out, dumbasses, and say


And you know what? No one else here is like that, no one. You're all too blinded by gossip and self worth that you can't see anything else.

One is not so blind as when they refuse to see

So open your own damn eyes, don't expect anyone else to do it for you.

...I'm even talking to myself when I say that...

We all need to chill...


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