Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-09-06 - 8:24 p.m. - My damn day

It's about time I add an entry.

I couldn't yesterday, got kicked off.

First day of school rocked the friggin casba. It was amazing, I had so much fun

Second sucked the casba's shit.

Lindsay A- (don't know how to spell her last name) ... Is Horribly Mean. I don't want to swear about her and sink to her level.

I don't know if Ivan and i are friends anymore. I'm starting to "not give a fuck" as well. It's kind of easy, after he makes it so obvious. someone ought to get him a splint for his middle finger so he doesn't have to bother with lifting it up and down all day, it'll just stay erect.

Got reviewed. 86/100! I'm proud, and loving this diary! Happy I got Sarah, she's an amazing reviewer person.

I think Ivan and I are making up now. I don't know. We're supposed to meet Maria on Sunday in Pittsburgh. His parents rule.

I'm going to explain what happened last night now.

I put the computer to sleep, promising all that I'd be back. Mom somehow found out. Got really mad. Yelled. Threatened to get rid of the computer and all this other stuff... I wanted to stay on mostly to help Amanda, who is having a tough time these days. She didn't believe this Amanda even existed. mom said she didn't care about anything and blew me off.

I am tired of her saying she doesn't care, doesn't respect my opinions and the thngs I feel strongly about.

I left, and headed for the townhouses behind the apartment buildings. Confusedly wondered around for a while, then headed for the golf course, in almost pitch black.

i walked on it for awhile, then decided to just sit behind a tree off to the side and think.

I thought, and thought, and thought... and hated myself more by the minute, then fell asleep.

Woke up later to damn cold winds and my left leg asleep. Got up, wanted to go home. Had trouble walking and limped away oddly.

Got home. Got yelled at. Got giult-tripped. Dad had driven.

Dad is in a friggin neck brace.

Dad had friggin called the police all because I wanted to get away from my bitch mother.

So an officer came later and interviewed me, in a sense. He treated me like such a delinquint... so I acted up to the part. Rolled my eyes.

He said "We've had sightings of strange characters around these parts"

Why. WHY did he have to say that. Mom was all "what iff'ed" all night.

what if I had been raped. Can't rape the willing, damnit.

(I'm kidding. Seriously. Don't make me get in to how I stand against random sex)

But anyhow, I was supposedly grounded, but dad talked to her and fixed it all up. Mom didn;t care that I left, only cried because Dad had driven and she was worried about him.

The policeman acted as if I was going out to hurt anyone, like I was somehow brandishing a knife as I hurled myself out throught the door, heading to kill someone. Was more like holding onto my jacket, heading for I Didn't Know.

He also acted as if I was a runaway, UHUH! I came back, right??

And he spoke to me like I had called the police and wasted their time. "young lady we have a big job to do out there and don't have time to go chasing after young individuals as yourself"


so don't anyone go get freaked out now. I don;t always have run-ins with the law like that lindsay.

johnny bancrofft hugged me and pulled me down. It was funny but odd.

I'm out. see ya.

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