Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-09-03 - 8:40 p.m. - picnic and happy rambles

Today was pretty awesome.

Mom made me get up at 8:30. It wasn't fun, seeing as I had been up until around 6 last night/(morning), I had gotten off the computer I think an hour or two before that.

We went picnicing today. Teddy insisted we buy cheese sticks. We got chicken and macaroni and chips, even Teddy's cheese sticks.

And after eatin mom and I went on a paddleboat, then I was dropped off on a secluded dock and Teddy got on. I just layed down for ten minutes, it was so peaceful. Then mom and Teddy came and splashed me.

We went downtown after that, and I was planning on getting the amazing pants from Metro. As it turned out, there were pants that were even amazinger, with dark red at the top that fades into a light red at the bottom, and at the top there's a thread design with sparkles. Tee hee, and they fit PERFECTLY, which was really, really awesome because it's hard to find any sort of clothing for me. Long legs suck, until you grow up and become a model...

Speaking of that!!! We were at the mall later, and there's a modeling tryout for a fall fashion show. I'm going tomorrow, and since I've already been trained in runway this should be sort of easy. But, then again, I was always better at freeze modeling. (Acting like a manaquin, it's so fun!)

Wish me luck, I hope to get into this fashion show! All the girls that were there tonight were really pretty, but a lot of them didn't know what they were doing. Then again, some of them seemed confident, but I'm determined. They seemed to think just walking is horribly easy, but runway isn't "just walking". I'll explain someday. Maybe tomorrow, after the tryout.

I had helped mom pick out a suit for her new job interview (half of me wants this job for her, half of me doesn't). she helped me pick out a shirt to go with my new pants, which was on sale, and only about ten bucks. It's a really neat shirt too, with little red sparkly stars on it.

I was walking through Kauffmann's when these Spanish guys walked by, going the opposite way. they were talking rapidly in Spanish, and they both looked at me as they passed me. It scared the crap out of me and I walked faster than I can remember myself ever walking in a while.

Teddy muttered angrily on the way home from the mall, he didn't get to visit his favorite stores.

Got home, modeled school clothes for mom and myself. Finally my boobs grew enough and this amazing dress fits me. I'll be wearing it next week. Grew out of LEI jeans. Oh well. makes more room for my Diesel's. (lmso Ivan, hundred dollar shirts!!)

Today was another happy day. Smiled at random passerby's, almost half did not smile back, (AARRGH!! people! I smiled at you, smile back!!! We all wonder why this world is so screwed up!!). And there was absolutely nothing to be sad about, nothing. I'm going to see Maria this weekend, maybe even Ivan might come. Chris barely ever talks to me anymore. Fern is the nicest, sweetest person ever. My red hair is amazing. Once it washes out, I'm getting it fixed Saturday. I have the most amazing clothes for school

-school- -tomorrow-

GEEZ!!!! You'll all have fun reading tomorrow... first day of school...

Talk to you all later,


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