Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2005-02-19 - 11:34 p.m. - 6 month today!

Before Ed's last night, Laura came to my house and we washed my arm pits. Well, she did, I stood there. I was suprised and humored and it was awesome.
Ed's was cool even though Ed wasn't there, and come to think of it he really never is so we should call it House or something... or maybe just " 's. " cos Ed is never there to accompany the 's after it.
anyway, it was a good time with the girls. I was really happy when Jessie agreed to no hard feelings. even if we're not TIGHT, jessie is a really cool girl and I'm glad for it.
We all PILED in my was Hillary, Laura, Lauren and Jessie. That's a lot of people for the lil Celica.
A lot of cool boys came. Keith, Hatchet, Pat, MikeDub, That Blonde Guy Who Tells Me His Name All The Time BUT I Forget It All The Time, Nate of course haha, oh Nate.
When we got there, Alex and Melissa answered the door. Alex was SOO fucked up...he was drooling and all sorts of weird things. Some guy was outside in his car with his head on his wheel and it wasn't Alex. It was some random guy no one knew and he drove off later. WEIRD. It scared the shit out of Jessie and Laura.
I drove Pat to Wal*Mart.
Well- I had tried calling Andrew earlier, and he didn't pick up. anyone suprised? ahaha not me, anyway, Pat calls him and he DOES pick whatever. I'm not supposed to like Andrew.
Pat and I had a good time at WalMart though. kinda. he's cool.
I was really upset about Matt. I missed him like crazy and begged Hatchet to call him just so I could hear his voice.
Then I realized that was a little psycho and I called him myself later.
We talked a lot... basically, he just didn't really get why I was so upset. Then he did.
Oh yes.
Anyway, I gave Nadia a ride home, and I asked Lauren if it was cool if we were home past 11 and she said it was. So we went to Matt' was just him and Goins, and she Lauren was chillin with Goins and Matt and I went back to his room. I was SO HAPPY! TO SEE HIM! It was awesome. He asked me if I was drunk cos I was smiling so much, but he was smiling a lot too, soooo he couldn't talk!
Then I guess Lauren got in trouble for being late, and I felt really bad even though, knowing the exact situation, it wasn't like either of us is TO hopefully it wasn't a big deal.
Today I worked.
and went to see Matt!!! BECAUSE TODAY, WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR SIX WHOLE MONTHS...HALF OF A YEAR. AHHH tonight was amazing. I made him a photo album with all these pictures from all these times since I first knew him. I had to cheat and go to Hillary and Jessie's photo sites and get pics to's crazy how much more meaningful pictures get with time. I just love all those "young and in love" ones.:-)
anyway. Matt and I went to his place first and some cool people were there so we chilled for a while then went to College and got pizza (and made sure to feed the meter! fuck 15 dollar tickets)
we had a good time in College. He told mea story about how he got caught smoking when he was in 7th grade, and I just watched him talk...while listening. I could probably repeat the whole story right now. I love watching him talk. He can get so animate sometimes and so excited about his story and it's a lot of fun to watch. Plus he's just gorgeous. Even when he's ugly he's gorgeous to me. And I like hearing his voice in general.
We went to Starbucks and were only there as long as it took to make our drinks cos it was mad packed. I like the new chocolate drink, it's really good. Matt got what he always gets, a tall mocha.
Then back to his place...where we went to his room and... that was amazing. I was shaking. ah.
And then we just laid on the floor in the dark under a blanket, cos his waterbed is still messed up. We said a lot of sweet nothings, which actually mean a lot to me, so I suppose I should reffer to them as sweet somethings.
And... I drove home thinking about how frivilous this past week has been. Me getting jealous and worrying about how he takes those girls home and whatever. It doesn't matter. He loves ME- even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it just because he's not doting on me. I need to realize that when you're with someone for long enough to really know them- and get close to them- fights happen. And when you're so comfortable with knowing someone, and it's not NEW anymore... you're not going to be giggly and lovey 24/7. You're gonna chill. and just enjoy each other.
but his room was awesome. the whole night was awesome. I get so transfixed by him- I just look at him and can't pull my eyes away.
Six months later! Six months after Hillary put "Girlfriend?" in his phone above a picture of me, six months after I got high and tied my bra on my head, six months after Nate met Jessie and decided she was hot, six months later.
Six months later. I'm still so in love with Matt Freiji.

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